I got my amateur radio Technician license in 2006 and upgraded to my Extra license a year later. I am interested in public service, emergency communications and I am a certified Skywarn storm spotter. Below are listed some of my other “jobs” and interests.
- Assistant Iowa Section A.R.E.S. Emergency Coordinator
- Grundy Co. A.R.E.S. Emergency Coordinator
- Grundy County R.A.C.E.S. Radio Officer
- President-Grundy Area Amateur Radio Club
- V.P.-Iowa DMR Group
- Director for the Iowa Wireless Amateur Radio Network
- Webmaster for W0MG.net
- President of THOM Computer Services, Inc.
- Red Cross D.A.T. (Disaster Action Team) member
- Red Cross communications officer
- Volunteer Examiner (VE) for Amateur Radio Operator Licenses
- Member Grundy County Medical Reserve Corp.